

               ~ Photo Cafe' ~
📷 A meeting place for SL Photographers 📷

           ➜ Moderated Text Chat 
       every 2 Sundays h. 12:00PM SLT

(video by Bee (Filipa Emor))

Hello SL Photographers!

~ Photo Cafe’ ~ is your meeting spot for all SL Photographers (at any level) to gather and share experiences, hints, tips & tricks, landmarks or contests (inworld or Flickr) and whatever else comes to mind!

Our fortnightly meetings – every other Sunday at H.12:00PM SLT – are moderated (see below for rules!) and held on text chat (not on voice!) so to be accessible to everyone.

Rules and Etiquette

Before the meeting: arriving on time / few minutes in advance to our appointments – when possible – and get seated as soon as you rez, will surely help the discussion to start smoothly! When an episode has started, and there are some late arrival, you can rather greet them in IM than in local chat, not to interrupt the discussion flow. Photo Cafe’ Staff will welcome the new arrivals on your behalf!

Discussion routine: as you all know now, we have some “rules” to help and run a smooth discussion. Yes, I am talking about the C (comment), Q (question), R (retreat) routine!

To get listed into our moderator’s HUD, you have to type only the letter (i.e. “c”) in local chat, and no other word or punctuation or sign. Capital letters/lowercase are not influent, but your chat line must contain only the letter: C or Q to reserve your turn. If you are listed and want to retreat your comment/question, simply type R in local!

As you have something in mind to say, and you type in local your C or Q… Open a notecard and start to type your thoughts on it. If you can, split your sentences into self-consistent periods, so you can keep writing while you post the first part and you don’t leave your fellow photographers hanging on for a long time without anything to read.
Last but not least.. Don’t forget to type “done!” or similar at the end of you speech, so the moderator will know that she can go on with the next in line!

During the meeting (manners): we don’t really have special rules to enforce “polite behavior”, but of course common courtesy (basic manners) must be used when addressing your fellow Photographers or Staff members.

The purpose of this space is to facilitate spontaneous exchanges between Photographers: ideas, tricks, knowledge, and what not, to have creativity flow and minds to open. To be able to do this, we need simply basic respect amongst each others. In case of doubt, before posting a comment, ask yourself: “how would I feel if they’d say that to me?” and adjust your aim to a diplomatic-enough way of expressing your thoughts! We believe you can say everything, just put in a respectful way, use a light tone and put it in the right context.

Staff Members are always present during the discussions: in case of doubt IM them and follow the moderator’s direction for a smooth flow of an enjoyable discussion for everyone!

For further info, here are our useful links:

  • Google events calendar
  • Flickr group
  • Inworld group: ~ Photo Cafe’ ~ Photographers
    (copy and paste the line above in nearby chat for clickable URL to join!)

Don’t miss the upcoming events, and spread the news!
See you here!

Check out our Staff page to know more about who we are!

Want to know more about how this adventure started?

Grow up together

We believe in the power of connecting to each other through the digital medium, to enrich our skills, exchange our knowledge and stimulate everyone’s creative power to the best.