Photo Cafe' Lounge
~ Chat Transcript ~
16th April, 2022
H.11:00 AM SLT
[ The following Episode #16 will be on:
Sat, the 30th of Apr H.11.00 AM SLT! ]
[11:10] Duraya Resident: soooooo ….
[11:11] Duraya Resident: Hello everyone and welcome to a very interesting‚ getting to know each other through sharing art‘! Glad you are here!
[11:11] Duraya Resident: Any news, reminders, announcements ?
[11:11] Kika Yongho: Hello Photographer friends!
[11:12] Kika Yongho: Today for the “news” section of our meetings we don’t really have specific news. So, other than wishing you all a Happy Easter – for those who celebrate it, or for those who get anyway free days off work! – I will give you a little !
[11:14] Kika Yongho: Mainland is nice and all just.. As you all have noticed, it is also a bit laggy! Slow rez etc. etc. Therefore, we are going to move (again!) on a new promised land that will be same size but on a full region! It will have more prims (good for our workshops!) but same number of avatars allowed.
[11:15] Kika Yongho: The moving is not tomorrow so it will be announced on time before the meeting that will take place on the new plot, don’t worry, you won’t be lost in the process!
[11:15] Kika Yongho: These are all the pre-Easter news for now! (I am done).
[11:15] ϮƗ Luᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ƗϮ (Samael Morningstar): There is a Wonderland Photo contest, 10k to the winner
[11:15] ϮƗ Luᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ƗϮ (Samael Morningstar): 10k for 1st, 2k for 2nd, and 500L for 3rd
[11:16] ϮƗ Luᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ƗϮ (Samael Morningstar): Sponsors are Enchanted Fantasy, Boudoir, and ask Vi for the other one
[11:16] Violette (Violette Rembrandt): the last one is L’atelier d’Alma ^^
[11:17] Violette (Violette Rembrandt): we have a third party jury
[11:17] ϮƗ Luᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ƗϮ (Samael Morningstar): Kika Yongho, Frank Atisso, and Bryn Oh are the judges
[11:17] Prins (Skylog Resident): I am exhibited – i have my first sl Exhibition tomorrow (17th April) with sl images – if any want an invite – please say – i think it is going to be fun 🙂
[11:17] Duraya Resident: thank you
[11:17] Elfi Siemens: q
[11:17] Duraya Resident: Elfi has a question
[11:17] Elfi Siemens: in our excel sheet for our workshops, i have suggested to do my DOF workshop on April 23rd, so that would be next Saturday
[11:17] Elfi Siemens: i just wanted to ask everyone if that date would be OK
[11:18] Duraya Resident: what about those who showed interest in the workshop
[11:18] Kika Yongho: I can make it
[11:18] Duraya Resident: ah – thank you Kika
[11:19] Elfi Siemens: other than Kika there were
[11:19] Elfi Siemens: Moki + Andrew + Vi + Onceagain + Jaminda + Frank
[11:20] Andrew (andrewharlan55): That date works for me.
[11:20] Duraya: Violette?
[11:21] Duraya: okay – let us check on people on the list and come back to you asap Elfi – will that help?
[11:21] Kika Yongho: Elfi do we have a plan B in case, a later possible date to propose?
[11:22] Duraya: would that be okay for you too Elfi
[11:22] Duraya: you are putting the finger on the weak spots of our organizing 😉
[11:23] Elfi Siemens: we could do it Sunday 24th too
[11:23] Duraya: I was not aware a workshop was already due, sorry
[11:23] Elfi Siemens: on Friday 29th is another workshop in the excel sheet
[11:24] Elfi Siemens: btw i’m talking about 11 AM, we could also do it on Fri 22nd but i’d prefer Sat or Sun
[11:24] Kika Yongho: Yes better
[11:24] Kika Yongho: If I can vote I’d say Sunday 😛
[11:25] Duraya: so that would be the 24th then?
[11:25] Elfi Siemens: yep
[11:25] Duraya: okay – I will talk to Kika how we inform everyone
[11:26] Elfi Siemens: ok
[11:26] Duraya: thank you Elfi
[11:26] Duraya: Okay – let’s start!
[11:26] Duraya: The challenge was to do a ‘Remake of famous artwork using your own personal style’.
[11:27] Duraya: It would have been interesting to guess who made what picture but that isn’t possible this time as some served as their own models.
[11:27] Duraya: But I think it’s interesting considering this a future challenge!
[11:27] Elfi Siemens: and everyone posted their pic in the flickr group 😀
[11:27] Duraya: The artwork we agreed upon was Rodin’s ‚The thinker‘.
[11:28] Duraya: Created 1881 with a height of 71,2 cm in this statue Rodin depicted Dante reflecting on The Divine Comedy, his epic poem about heaven, hell, and the fate of all humankind.
[11:28] Duraya: It was originally part of The Gates of Hell, only later in 1903 the first monumental-size sculpture was created:

[11:29] Duraya: During his lifetime about 20 versions of the statue had been made.
[11:29] Duraya: The French Republic now holds the right for reproduction and more than 70 statues in bronze and plaster exist and are displayed all over the world.
[11:30] Duraya: Now: our goal was to create a remake considering the meaning and the feeling of the artwork in your own style.
[11:30] Duraya: Of course, you already noticed all the displayed work! Some very surprising and interesting results indeed!
[11:31] Duraya: What was your approach?
Was it an easy task?
How much did you refer to the original work?
How much freedom did you take?
[11:31] Prins (skylog): c
[11:31] Duraya: yes Prins
[11:31] Prins (skylog): Normally I am not a selfie man – my avatar is more or less from 2014. I make landscapes, so my first thought was to pass this contest. Then I came past this Angel and remembered my black angel wings, since there is a lot of different things in the world – black white, man woman and so, but we are just humans and sit similar thinking.
And to give the impression of the thoughts had brought us away from this world – I added a thunder that could not bring us away from thinking. Thunder and the day of apocalypse
Unlucky a few days later I meet one of rl my friends – that was lost like this since his cancer had returned and there is no hope.
[11:32] Prins (skylog): done
[11:32] Duraya: oh I’m deeply sorry
[11:33] Prins (skylog): it is sad – I hope he get some good days
[11:33] Violette (violette.rembrandt): 🙁
[11:34] Duraya: thinking about fate
[11:36] Prins (skylog): he is the type – lifes go on
[11:36] Duraya: I am glad you shared this with us, I hope it helps we are all with you
[11:37] Prins (skylog): It does 🙂
[11:37] Duraya: how about everyone else?
[11:37] Elfi Siemens: c
[11:38] Duraya: yes Elfi
[11:38] Elfi Siemens: i’m not a great feminist but it was clear to me, my thinker had to be female
[11:38] Elfi Siemens: naked and pure just like the original
[11:39] Elfi Siemens: but made of marble…. sitting alone in the middle of a huge round building
[11:39] Elfi Siemens: could resemble the world itself
[11:39] Elfi Siemens: and she’s thinking about what’s going on with us lately
[11:40] Elfi Siemens: and if you look a bit closer…. she’s breaking under all the heavy thoughts
[11:40] Elfi Siemens: done.
[11:40] Duraya: thank you Elfi
[11:41] DaneAlbion: c
[11:41] Duraya: Dane please
[11:42] DaneAlbion: Beyond the pose not a lot of reference to the original, i even took liberties with the name but overthinking is something i am often guilty of so the idea came to me fairly quickly. Originally my thought was to have the naked thinkers inside the main subject’s head but I could not get that to work satisfactorily but after a late reshoot i quite liked this format.
[11:42] DaneAlbion: perspiration sometimes beats inspiration
[11:42] DaneAlbion: done
[11:43] Duraya: thank you Dane 🙂
[11:44] Duraya: it’s like that mirror in the mirror, a never-ending row of thoughts
[11:45] Duraya: okay – although he isn’t here, let’s look at Andrew’s pictures, he sent two.
[11:45] Duraya: he uses this wooden figure a lot in his work
[11:46] Duraya: no idea what his thoughts were of course 🙂
[11:46] DaneAlbion: c
[11:46] Violette (violette.rembrandt): i’m his fan from day one ^^ love the wooden figure
[11:47] Elfi Siemens: c
[11:47] Duraya: yes Dane
[11:47] DaneAlbion: the one on the right is possibly exploring the same idea as mine, of getting lost in thoughts inside that maze
[11:47] DaneAlbion: done
[11:47] Duraya: and Elfi please
[11:48] Kika Yongho: c
[11:48] Elfi Siemens: I was about to say the same – how we can get lost in the maze of our own minds
[11:48] Elfi Siemens: done
[11:48] Duraya: so true, thank you
[11:48] Duraya: and Kika is next please
[11:50] Kika Yongho: I had a thought about the thinker. Looked at the original one and got inspired by it, but wanted also to bring it forward on another level to convey my own message with it. So, the Thinker (he is a man, Jiggy, who nicely helped me once again) is stuck inside the hell of his mind. Outside the gates, the 3 Graces – that represent the feminine emotional side, the 3 “egos” of oneself in harmony, and well we could go on for hours here but I’ll cut it short. The 3 Graces dance inviting the Thinker-man to come out his hell and move outside to play with them.

[11:51] Kika Yongho: Dante himself ascended to heaven inspired by the grace of his love Beatrice so I hope all the Thinkers will let their emotional side to inspire them and take their hand to move out the (over?) thinking hell. Was it a difficult one? Only in the making of it! But thank goodness I found help! 🙂 I am done.
[11:51] Duraya: thank you Kika 🙂
[11:52] Duraya: let’s have a look at onceagain’s
[11:53] Duraya: this thinker pose is very well known 😉
[11:53] DaneAlbion: its where i do my best thinking
[11:53] Duraya: I really would have loved to ask her about the banana
[11:54] Elfi Siemens: didn’t she write something about it on flickr?
[11:54] Duraya: but will, now I know my curiosity gets an answer
[11:56] Elfi Siemens: so basically, she’s pondering if that banana is art
[11:56] Elfi Siemens: lol
[11:56] Duraya grins
[11:56] Kika Yongho: Well, it is actually a piece of art
[11:57] Kika Yongho: Or so they “sell” It
[11:57] Duraya: okay – warning to Violette – we will move on to Jaminda’s work BUT – then you will HAVE to say something about your ‘Thinker’ 😉
[11:58] Duraya: so Jaminda
[11:58] Duraya: well there seem to be some hints what she was thinking of – right?
[11:59] Kika Yongho: c
[11:59] Duraya: yes Kika
[11:59] Kika Yongho: I think Jaminda gave a good example about “positive thinking” 🙂
[11:59] Prins (skylog): c
[11:59] Duraya nods
[12:00] Duraya: Prins please
[12:00] Prins (skylog): Maybe I can set a few words on for Jaminda – She is not the kneeling kind of woman so the pose was never an option. She also wanted to be free in her thinking mind – there is a war in Ukraine – all my neighbours are refugees, so we talk a lot about this. The world leader should talk about her image.
[12:00] Prins (skylog): I hope, she thinks my words cover it
[12:00] Prins (skylog): done
[12:01] Duraya: thank you Prins – that was very nicely put
[12:01] DaneAlbion: yes those colours are in all of our thoughts
[12:01] Duraya: true
[12:02] Duraya turns sidewards and gently taps on Violette’s shoulder
[12:02] Duraya whispers ‘your turn’
[12:03] Violette (violette.rembrandt): ok… for those who knows me …I’m always over thinking ^^
[12:04] Violette (violette.rembrandt): I wanted not to dig in an heavy meaning this time, wanted something “light” and Kika gave me the pose and “snapped the spark” as she said 😉
[12:04] Violette (violette.rembrandt): So here is “thinker bell”, the photo is fantasy themed as it’s what I like the most, just wanted it to be dreamy and fun ^^ and I had fun taking this photo, a lot, it made me smile really big all along so I think I get to drop the heavy stuff 😉
[12:05] Kika Yongho: q
[12:05] Violette (violette.rembrandt): Done
[12:05] Duraya: thank you
[12:06] Duraya: Kika – your question please
[12:06] Kika Yongho: I have a question for Violette: how long did it take you to make the photo? 😛
[12:06] Violette (violette.rembrandt) laughs mhmmm….. 3 hours ? ‘^^
[12:06] Duraya: she lived happily ever after ;-P
[12:06] ϮƗ Luᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ƗϮ (samael.morningstar): at least
[12:06] Kika Yongho: Great!
[12:07] Duraya: I think you are right Violette – there has to be something light too, among all the inferno mankind creates
[12:11] Duraya: and as Kika said in the beginning – we hope you will enjoy the holidays, maybe even get a few days off and relax a bit – cut short on overthinking!
[12:12] Duraya: We’ll meet again on the 30th of April, Happy Easter