Photo Cafe Lounge
~ Chat Transcript ~
"Live Photo Session Challenge!"
9th of July, 2022
H.12:00 PM SLT
[ The following Episode #22 will be on:
Sat, the 23rd of July H.11.00 AM SLT! ]
[11:09] Duraya Resident: Hello everyone and welcome to episode # 21 of our bi-weekly photo cafe!
[11:09] Duraya Resident: You remember Kika successfully persuaded Michiel to contribute to the seasonal ‘In the Spot‘ project? Kika will you please say a few words about it?
[11:10] Kika Yongho: Hello Photographer friends!
[11:10] Kika Yongho: I will be short today as we have a special event about to happen so… As you remember, we started in the month of April a new special recurrent Expo, called “In The Spot”! It is a quarterly display of one single seasonal photo. Today it is time to introduce to you… Summer!
[11:11] Kika Yongho: We called one of us to represent this season and the volunteer has been chosen is…
Michiel Bechir
who kindly accomplished the task, providing a colorful and brilliant photo for the season!
[11:11] Kika Yongho: What to say about this photo – other than we love it and we thank you Michiel for the great artwork? Simple: touch the frame yourself and take the photo info, with a brief intro written by Michiel himself to accompany the picture!
[11:12] Kika Yongho: Enjoy and be ready, because in 3 months’ time… We’ll need a new volunteer!
But now… Let’s all proceed with today’s episode, that will be very interesting and new again. Duraya please, that’s all from me – roger and out!
[11:13] Duraya Resident: Thank you Kika!
[11:14] Duraya Resident: As announced we will have a live photo session today! I hope you are as excited as I am about it!
[11:14] Duraya Resident: It will take place at ….
[11:15] Duraya Resident: GRAULAND!!!
@ Grauland
[11:17] Duraya Resident: We chose a spot there and I will pose as model for you. There will be only this one pose.
[11:17] Duraya Resident: You will have 20 minutes for your shot, use windlight, filters, shoot close-ups or from a distance – all up to you.
I hope the scene will inspire you a bit.
[11:18] Duraya Resident: we wanted to give you 19 min – I added an extra minute for you Violette!
[11:18] Kika Yongho: Aren’t we EVIL?
[11:18] Duraya Resident: Basically you can rez on Grauland and it might be tempting. But it might interfere with the setup of your fellow-photographers too.
[11:19] Duraya Resident: it adds some spice 😉
[11:20] Duraya Resident: I will tp to Grauland and pose, tp Kika and she will tp you all in. If someone else arrive Kika will get notified and will take care of those arriving late.
[11:20] Duraya Resident: The moment you are there you start with your work.
[11:20] Duraya Resident: I will tell you how much time is left and will announce the end of the shooting.
[11:21] Duraya Resident: You can choose to upload and use a canvas or you use Flickr, Gyazo or whatever you are used to and share the link.
[11:21] Duraya Resident: Any questions?
[11:22] ϮƗ Vɪᴏʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ ƗϮ (Violette Rembrandt): is editing alright ?
[11:22] Duraya Resident: yes, therefore you got the extra minute 🙂
[11:24] Duraya Resident: Let’s start the challenge!
[11:42] Duraya Resident: omg – can you imagine how curious I am what the pictures will be like!!!
[11:43] Morganna Ravenheart: I got a “vibe” right away and ran with that. Very quick for me 🙂
[11:46] Kika Yongho: 5 including editing or editing gets +5 mins?
[11:46] Duraya Resident: mmmmhhh – let me be nice today 🙂
[11:46] Duraya Resident: five minutes + five for editing 😉
[11:51] Duraya Resident: time to start editing – last five minutes
[11:54] Duraya Resident: two minutes
[11:56] Duraya Resident: and stop!
[11:57] Prins (Skylog Resident): It is a lovely sim, I have never been here before
[11:57] Morganna Ravenheart: I knew the old version of Grauland, good to see it’s back
[11:57] PaleLily Resident: Thank you Prins
[11:58] Duraya Resident: then let’s hurry back to the café and share
[12:02] Duraya Resident: sooo … I got some textures
[12:03] Duraya Resident: starting with Jaminda – since she gave me full perm
[12:04] Duraya Resident: wow – light explosion!
[12:04] Morganna Ravenheart: interesting idea 😀
[12:04] Kika Yongho: Nice indeed
[12:04] Jaminda Moon (Jaminda Resident): unedited
[12:05] Duraya Resident: did you get the idea immediately?
[12:05] Jaminda Moon (Jaminda Resident): No I took a few from a few angles
[12:05] Jaminda Moon (Jaminda Resident): but I liked the idea of you escaping something 🙂
[12:05] Morganna Ravenheart: works good with the pose from that angle
[12:05] Duraya Resident: yes – totally on flight
[12:06] Prins (Skylog Resident): Love the colours and where the leg vanish out of the frame:-)
[12:06] Morganna Ravenheart: gives a sense of movement
[12:06] Duraya Resident: next is Kika
[12:06] Kika Yongho: I played some with the shadows
[12:07] Morganna Ravenheart: interesting use of the shadows, feels tense
[12:07] Prins (Skylog Resident): Love the shadows and light
[12:07] Kika Yongho: This is edited: I desaturated for close to BW, contrasted and added bokeh
[12:07] ϮƗ Vɪᴏʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ ƗϮ (Violette Rembrandt): nice shadows
[12:08] Duraya Resident: yes – I chose the speedy pose for you 😉
[12:08] Kika Yongho: You made us rush .. we made you run! 😛
[12:09] Duraya Resident: next is Violette – I took the liberty to snip it from Gyazo for the purpose

[12:10] Prins (Skylog Resident): Love the light
[12:10] Morganna Ravenheart: ooo, movement and smoke
[12:10] Duraya Resident: yes – and also a great ‘on the run’ feeling
[12:10] Kika Yongho: With all the smoke is prolly the safe option
[12:10] Morganna Ravenheart: I like how the flashlight came out, like through smoke
[12:12] Duraya Resident: Next up, Celestial’s

[12:14] Morganna Ravenheart: oh, thats interesting, a little abstract even
[12:14] Prins (Skylog Resident): Black and white can something – and it can it here
[12:14] Kika Yongho: I love the extreme contrast
[12:14] Duraya Resident: thank you Celestial – it’s beautiful
[12:14] ϮƗ Vɪᴏʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ ƗϮ (Violette Rembrandt): It’s stunning even
[12:14] Morganna Ravenheart: yes, lots to read into the picture by the viewer
[12:15] Duraya Resident: Prins is next
“Liberia Isle” by Prins
[12:15] Duraya Resident: he freed me from the tunnel
[12:16] Prins (Skylog Resident): I am hopeless at portraits – I started and then Duraya moved and I was thinking, it is a fantastic sim and it became landscape portrait.
[12:16] Jaminda Moon (Jaminda Resident): Love how you glow through the colours
[12:16] Duraya Resident: with a little help …
[12:16] Duraya Resident: thank you Prins
[12:16] Morganna Ravenheart: it’s like the runners aspiration is to escape to the outside, like mind reading 🙂
[12:16] Duraya Resident: yep – breathing fresh air again
[12:17] Kika Yongho: After all the dark, smoke..
[12:17] Duraya Resident: Next, Morganna

[12:17] Morganna Ravenheart: my aspect ratio was funky
[12:17] Morganna Ravenheart: but I was fascinated by the space of the tunnel
[12:17] Morganna Ravenheart: I used a No Light EEP setting
[12:17] Morganna Ravenheart: and a center focus filter
[12:17] Duraya Resident: yes I loved it when I saw it
[12:18] Duraya Resident: I knew it wouldn’t be a too easy shot but I trust in you 😀
[12:18] Morganna Ravenheart: a lot of possibilities, a tunnel has
[12:19] Duraya Resident: how do you all feel?
[12:19] Morganna Ravenheart: that was fun
[12:19] Duraya Resident: was it exciting, new, routine, enough time?
[12:19] Morganna Ravenheart: everyone had so many different takes
[12:20] Duraya Resident: yep – it’s fascinating to look through other people’s eyes
[12:21] Morganna Ravenheart: that was a cool little field trip 😀
[12:21] Duraya Resident: I thank you all for being part of this little trip and for sharing the outcome
[12:22] Duraya Resident: this might not be the last challenge like this
[12:22] ϮƗ Vɪᴏʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ ƗϮ (Violette Rembrandt): thank you for the experience Duraya.
[12:23] Kika Yongho: If you like you can post the photos in our Flickr group also:
[12:23] Duraya Resident: oh I thank you – it was really exciting
[12:23] ϮƗ Vɪᴏʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ ƗϮ (Violette Rembrandt): 20 mins for taking a photo and editing… it was my first time ^;^
[12:23] Duraya Resident: and thank you for your extra time 🙂
[12:23] Duraya Resident: The following Episode #22 will be on Saturday, the 23rd of July, 2022