Hello Photographers friends: big news today!
Our Photo Cafe’ has been beautifully portrayed by an incredibly talented video maker: Aki Gunshin! (find more of his works by clicking on his name)
His eye portrayed our staff and friends in the new land in such a beautiful way we lack adjectives to describe it properly! So we will just show you and let this artwork display the talent of our new friend!
The Photo Cafe’ staff is thankful to Aki and Tia for all the work and patience that is behind this amazing creation! Arigatou, friends!
A special thank also to Buddha Stick for the beautiful track “Omnia ab uno (et in unum omnia)” from the album “Inaudito” (free to download here) and to all the staff and friends who participated in the filming (Aki & Tia, Kika Yongho, Duraya, Kaapan, DaneAlbion, Violette & Lucifer, Babe Whimsy, Celestial Demon, Creamy Teardrop, Onceagain)
See you inworld!