Photo Cafe Lounge
~ Chat Transcript ~
3rd of September, 2022
“Photo Cafe’ Photo Safari!”
H.11:00 AM SLT
[The following Episode #25 will be on:
Sat, the 17th of September H.11.00 AM SLT!]
[11:14] Duraya Resident: Hi everyone and welcome to our bi-weekly photo cafe’!
[11:15] Duraya Resident: Today we first need to find an enthusiastic, motivated and inspired candidate for our “In The Spot” – Quarterly Seasonal Photo Expo. And it will be the “Autumn” photo!
[11:15] Duraya Resident: will it be you, you or even you?
[11:16] Duraya Resident: We have a motivation genius among us
[11:16] Duraya Resident: Kika will you please take over 🙂
[11:16] Kika Yongho: Thank you Duraya!
[11:17] Kika Yongho: Soooo… We started last April a new special recurrent Expo, called “In The Spot”! It is a quarterly display of one single seasonal photo, and we are currently displaying the Summer photo. But… almost Autumn now! Who will go next? …
[11:17] Kika Yongho: If you remember how it works, we will display every 3 months a photo representing the current ongoing season, according to the current expo schedule:
Spring = April->June
Summer = July->September
Autumn = October->December
Winter = January->March
We will request (or you can volunteer!) a month before for the next season’s photo, that will be displayed for 3 months’ time on the sim.
[11:17] Kika Yongho: You can read how the expo works also on our website at this section:
[ Browse All The Photos ].
Otherwise you can see our mini-mono photo exhibit inworld, at the landing point, just outside the building there!
[11:18] Kika Yongho: The season’s photographer is also encouraged to post the photo in Photo Cafe’ Flickr group:
that has been created to display Photo Cafe’ related photos: taken here or related to our contests/seasonal expo. You can use [Photo Cafe’] in title or description, to facilitate the Administrators in the approval process for our group!
[11:19] Kika Yongho: Sooooo.. Who’s going to be our Autumn season’s representative? My IM box will stay open for you the whole evening, so don’t be afraid to send me an IM and reserve your spot.. “In The Spot” – or I might instead hit your IMs box and.. “volunteer you” if we don’t have a spontaneous offer! 🙂
[11:19] Kika Yongho: But now… Duraya will you please explain how the current “Photo Safari” episode will be working for us? Thank you for the attention and IM me! I am done!
[11:19] Duraya Resident: Thank you Kika!
[11:20] Duraya Resident: We have a new place for the cafe here and as Kika presented last time and again mentioned today we have a web site too!
[11:20] Duraya Resident:
[11:20] Duraya Resident: Kika is doing a great job on it.
[11:20] Duraya Resident: It is connected to the Flickr of the cafe and yessssssss – we would love to get more pictures there!
[11:21] Duraya Resident: And who would be better suited as ‚ambassadors‘ for the photo cafe than you – our fellow photographers!
[11:21] Duraya Resident: We would like you to go on a photo safari here and come back with your shots to present on the easel here – no need to upload, an url put into it will display your picture.
[11:22] Duraya Resident: Please fan out now and come back with your impressions – it would be nice to get a shot with an avatar too – either you or someone posing for you.
[11:22] Duraya Resident: I will call you back after 10/15 min and we share what we have.
[11:23] Duraya Resident: It would be nice if you could say a few words to explain why this shot was important or significant for you
[11:23] Duraya Resident: If there is time left we will do a second round:)
[11:23] Duraya Resident: Ready????
[11:24] Duraya Resident: usually Kapaan does the countdown but today ….
[11:24] Duraya Resident: 100, 99, 98….. gogogogo
[11:45] Kika Yongho: 5 more minutes pls!
[11:46] Duraya Resident: okayokayokay
[11:51] Duraya Resident: soooooo – please come back and take a seat now, who will be first?
[11:52] Kika Yongho: c
[11:52] Duraya Resident: click the easel and submit your url
[11:52] Duraya Resident: Kika!
[11:53] Duraya Resident: please make sure you have media enabled and click on the easel to see the displayed picture
[11:53] Kika Yongho: This photo is titled “Moki Time!”
[11:53] Kika Yongho: Or “We’re late, we’re late… “
[11:53] Kika Yongho: Done
[11:54] Duraya Resident: thanks and now Violette please.
[11:54] Duraya Resident: thanks, who is next?
[11:57] Moki Yuitza: ready
[11:59] Duraya Resident: Moki please
[12:01] Moki Yuitza: title is: black flamingos

[12:01] Duraya Resident: two Flamingos, very nice
[12:01] Moki Yuitza: we always say that Kika is a flamingo, here is a flamingo, so…. this is the idea.
[12:01] Duraya Resident: next, Bonach?
[12:04] Bonach Ireton: I liked the camera / fixing a moment in time, the clock
[12:04] Bonach Ireton: and also the roller coaster, life, that can sometimes be broken
[12:04] Kika Yongho: It is a very good composition
[12:04] Duraya Resident: see you and thanks for coming evreyone
Please note the next meeting will be on the 17th September, details to be announced.