Photo Cafe Lounge
~ Chat Transcript ~
20th of Aug, 2022
"Last Picture pt. 2!"
H.11:00 PM SLT
[ The following Episode #24 will be on:
Sat, the 3rd of September H.11.00 AM SLT! ]
[11] Duraya Resident: Hello everyone, welcome after a little break!
[11] Duraya Resident: I hope you are all well and motivated for our photo cafe #23 🙂
[11:09] Duraya Resident: You might remember we had a different kind of getting to know each other through art last time.
[11:09] Duraya Resident: We asked you to bring a picture to share what you are investigating at the moment in your work.
[11:09] Duraya Resident: We saw lots of very interesting and inspiring pictures you presented us. Unfortunately we ran out of time and couldn’t see all of them!
[11:10] Duraya Resident: So we announced to continue with the presentation today.
[11:10] Duraya Resident: But before we do that Kika has really exciting news for you! Will you please Kika?
[11:10] Kika Yongho: Good evening Photographers!
And welcome again to a new episode with us! Today’s intro will be about our latest “effort”… The new website, hooray!
[11:11] Kika Yongho: You can see it by clicking at the web address:
and smell the fresh paint – it is just been completed! – and read all the contents that have been added so far!
[11:11] Kika Yongho: If you clicked on the URL provided, other than the animated homepage, you can see on the top banner, just under the logo, the main website menu: “welcome”, “in the spot”, “chat log”, “news”. On top right there is an icon of a world to select your favourite automatic google translation, and a magnifying lens to search content inside the website.
[11:12] Kika Yongho: But let’s see what is in the website… The welcome page! When you hover on the “welcome” menu, you can see a sub-menu with “staff” page. But let’s proceed in order.. “Welcome”! The page starts with Our Story (in short!) and – at the half of it, to the right – you will find a button “Meet Our Staff!” that will open the list of our current staff for you! You can always go back with your browser navigation button or click again on the main menu or follow the breadcrumbs (HOME > STAFF) at the top of the page, under the page title!
[11:13] Kika Yongho: The next section “In the Spot” will explain for you how our ongoing “monophoto” quarterly seasonal exhibit is working (I won’t spoil it, you gotta read it!) and list, in the link “[ Browse All The Photos ]” the previous photographs that have been on display on the land so far! The current one is also visible at the landing point, just near the entrance of the main building, and it is by Michiel Bechir!
[11:13] Kika Yongho: We’re now at the “Chat Log” section. Clicking on “[ Browse All The Chat Logs ]” will give you a list of ALL the chat transcripts that have been sent out in our News and that are available in the News Archive here on the land as notecards in a handy web format!
The other menu “news” (with the link in the page “[ Browse All The News ]” to read them all), is the sum of every post, including “in the spot” and “chat log”, tidily sorted by date, from the most recent to the oldest!
[11:14] Kika Yongho: When you open a category (“in the spot”, “chat log” or “news”), you will get the “Category Archive” list for those posts. Each of them has got a related featured photo, title, and brief excerpt of the content. The link “Read more ->” will bring you to the full page. To the right of the list, we find the search box, “Recent posts” section, monthly “Archives”, and the upcoming “Events”, directly from our google calendar!
[11:15] Kika Yongho: I will reassure all about the chat logs: we’ll keep sending them inworld on the usual notecards as well as publishing them on the website! And if you have any suggestion for improvements or contents you’d like to see on the site, questions, etc.: feel free to send me an IM! You’ve got much to read and explore now… Well not right now… We got to start the episode! Ready, Duraya? From me is all for now, thank you all for attention!
[11:15] Duraya Resident: thank you Kika 🙂
[11:16] Duraya Resident: Before we start sharing images please remember our rules of discussion.
[11:16] Duraya Resident: I am using a discussion tracker – if you type c (comment) or q (question) in open your name will appear on my tracker and I can ask you to speak when it is your turn.
[11:16] Duraya Resident: If you type r (retrieve) in open you will vanish from the tracker!
[11:17] Duraya Resident: Please, when you are finished, do write‚ done‘ in open and I will know I can proceed. Thank you!
[11:17] Duraya Resident: Sharing pictures now!!!!!
[11:17] Duraya Resident: We heard about using light and projectors last time, depth in the image, storytelling, editing, working with a message, preparing before taking pictures and more.
[11:18] Duraya Resident: So!!! The canvas is waiting – show us what you are working on!
[11:18] Morganna Ravenheart: C
[11:19] Duraya Resident: yes Morganna, we didn’t find the time to speak about your image last time:

[11:19] Morganna Ravenheart: I’ve always liked to do images with an avatar in them and I’ve been exploring ideas I like to think of as body art/performance art, sometimes rather abstract like that.
[11:22] Morganna Ravenheart: I tried a number of light settings on that, still not perfect, seems I lost my eyes on that one :p
[11:22] Kika Yongho: q
[11:22] Morganna Ravenheart: done I think 🙂
[11:23] Duraya Resident: thank you Morganna, really interesting work
[11:23] Duraya Resident: Kika, you have a question, please ask
[11:23] Kika Yongho: A question for Morganna. Did you do the blend in an external editor? Just curious about the post-production. Done
[11:24] Morganna Ravenheart: there is no post production there, I made a full white globe set, used a white skin. The colorful parts are actually a set from Zibska. Part is worn, part is background pieces and effects are purely EEP settings, so a “live” shot.
[11:25] Duraya Resident: Zibska has some interesting items indeed
[11:25] Duraya Resident: but I wouldn’t have guessed it is a live shot, very good
[11:26] Morganna Ravenheart: thank you. I like the challenge of seeing how much I can get from SL in world
[11:27] Duraya Resident: so please, whoever feels like sharing what they are working on right now
[11:27] Moki Yuitza: may I?
[11:28] Duraya Resident: sure Moki, glad you volunteer 🙂
[11:28] Moki Yuitza: last time i missed the cafe because i was busy working on two series, here is one:

[11:29] Moki Yuitza: you can see the entire series at Hermes Gallery right now
[11:29] Hermes Kondor: At the Kondor Art Square:
[11:30] Moki Yuitza: btw, as maybe someone remember, i always said that i am uncomfortable to work with landscapes, that was my challenge
[11:30] Duraya Resident: challenges make us grow 😛
[11:30] Moki Yuitza: there are two series, one if this one, other has dark background and the same images but totally different
[11:31] Moki Yuitza: maybe i could rez it to show what i mean

[11:33] Moki Yuitza: ok, more or less they have the same size
[11:33] Duraya Resident: great – so we can see both
[11:33] Duraya Resident: and how was it for you to master landscapes?
[11:33] Moki Yuitza: as you can see, they have the same subject
[11:34] Moki Yuitza: i do not think that i “master” the landscapes, i just tried to find a nice composition.
[11:35] Moki Yuitza: i was interested in the frameworks behind what we can see in this virtual world
[11:36] Moki Yuitza: if you look at the first image, you can see it, and in the second one, it is revealed… but…
[11:36] Moki Yuitza: even if the two subjects are the same, could you really be sure that it is the same image?
[11:36] Moki Yuitza: looking at the whole series, the concept is maybe more clear
[11:36] Moki Yuitza: btw, it was technically a challenge
[11:37] Moki Yuitza: they are 4 images in total, two generated the first one and two the second
[11:37] Moki Yuitza: obviously there is postproduction…done
[11:38] Duraya Resident: I like your idea of looking behind the obvious Moki, very good
[11:39] Moki Yuitza: thank you all, i had really hard time to work on these but it was worth the effort
[11:42] Hermes Kondor: May I add a photo ?
[11:42] Duraya Resident: yes please Hermes

[11:43] Hermes Kondor: This is a work from a new project that I’m exploring now
[11:44] Hermes Kondor: This is a blend of 4 photos from a dance show by Milena Carbone
[11:45] Hermes Kondor: I use several apps in my IPad, and Adobe Lightroom for the final process
[11:45] Hermes Kondor: Well, i love to go behind what I see in my screen, to create a different object of art
[11:46] Hermes Kondor: This is a long time project based on recreating what I see in SL
[11:46] Moki Yuitza: you can “feel” the dance… really cool, Hermes.
[11:47] Morganna Ravenheart: the composition seems to add motion, like a dance
[11:48] Hermes Kondor: I tried to work on different levels – Light, shadows, Movement, and the interaction between the different images. Done
[11:52] Duraya Resident: thanks for sharing
[11:53] Duraya Resident: onceagain, will you please show your image?

[11:54] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): is a really simple image but I’m proud because lately I’m trying to works only with EEP and not with photoshop
[11:55] Duraya Resident: the light is beautiful
[11:56] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): Thank you, I was working on an exhibition that I haven’t finished yet.. called EDIT/NO EDIT
[11:56] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): about the importance of the post process done on a photo
[11:57] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): and the meanwhile I’ve decided to do something without edit, like others I’ve taken before
[11:58] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): one more thing, I always play with light.. and EEP
[11:59] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): and now that I’ve discover the depth of field also here on sl.. for me this is a miracle because in rl I use DoF a lot.
[11:59] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): done
[12:00] Prins (Skylog Resident): It is a lovely horse and the depth is spot on
[12:01] Hermes Kondor: The point of view is excellent in this composition
[12:02] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): thank you. well, I have to say that most of the time I prefer to build my own landscape, because for me here there is an error.
[12:02] onceagain (manoji Yachvili): but I wasn’t in my land, so I couldn’t move the tree behind the head of the horse
[12:02] Duraya Resident: Thank you all for sharing your work!
[12:02] Duraya Resident: Just as you develop your Self and become more like “you” as you grow up, your artistic voice is doing the same thing. With every experience you have, your Self changes and grows, and with every piece you make, your style changes and grows.
[12:03] Duraya Resident: Thank you all for joining us today
[12:04] Kika Yongho: And if you wish to keep updated … we have our group or the news subscription
[12:04] Duraya Resident: don’t forget to join us again on September 3rd.